Using Media to Bring People Together

CA-Modern magazine serves the owners of Eichler homes and other mid-century modern homes across California. This is the very definition of niche publishing, connecting sellers and buyers in a highly-targeted market. CA-Modern’s advertisers consist mainly of contractors and manufacturers who specialize in maintaining and remodeling these stylish homes.

CA-Modern can count many success stories among its advertisers, one of its biggest being Bay Area design and construction company Keycon, Inc. Keycon turns to CA-Modern for marketing programs that keep business flowing its way, and this includes print advertising, Web advertising, event support, and other programs customized to Keycon’s needs. This is what publishing is all about…. bringing people together.

In that vein, I’ll take this opportunity to announce a new Keycon event: If you own an Eichler or other mid-century modern home, you’re invited to attend Keycon’s Eichler Remodeling Faire, May 16, 2009. Find more on the event landing page at: // Hope to see you there.